Nothing Wrong With Rich Becoming Richer

Politicians always say that the cause of poverty in the Philippines is the rich are becoming richer. I don't get it. What's wrong with that? Common sense tells me that the rich has more probability of becoming richer because they have the guts and the money to invest on businesses with high probability of huge returns.

Take for example a middle-class man having an idea for a business. If he had pursued that idea, he would have became a millionaire. But he did not pursue it, because of the 20% risk of it not working. But take this scenario and place a upper-class man with the same idea. He would have pursued that idea in a heart-bit, together with necessary research and studies, he would have and will become richer. 

Now for the other side of the coin. The poor is getting poorer. This I think can be avoided. If you think about it, where did the rich came from? most of them came from the poor with nothing. They changed their lives with hard work and one bright idea. We can fix this problem by changing the following:
1. Government being strict on businesses giving the proper minimum wage.
2. Government giving affordable housing. 
3. Government should educate and enforce good family planning.
4. Government should be strict on enforcing the law.

The poor should not look at the rich. They should look at
themselves and the government. I might be wrong. I have no facts or research to back up what I wrote. So feel free to correct me. Cheers!


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