Hypocrisy---the case for

Didn't Jonathan Swift say something about hypocrisy? I can't remember. In Gulliver's Travels maybe. Someone declares that hypocrisy is the worst possible sin.

I just skimmed the book. Couldn't force myself to read it. I paid attention in class and picked up enough to get a "D minus" on an essay test.

Anyway, if he did say it, I took it to be ironic. There are far worse things that hypocrisy. In fact, hypocrisy is pretty good. I suggested that as a bumpersticker (I work at a sticker company):


Hypocrisy is just easy to attack. It's easy pickin's.

Years ago, a guy named Paul Hill appeared on Nightline. Hill publicly called for the murder of anyone involved in abortion.

Also on the show was a more mainstream Right-To-Lifer who was opposed to murdering people.

Which one do you think Ted Koppel attacked?

Koppel, of course, spent the show attacking the "moderate" right-to-lifer. Doesn't she consider abortion to be murder? Wouldn't you shoot somebody who was about to kill an actual baby? Then why don't you want to kill doctors?

Paul Hill sat there with a fixed smile on his face. It wasn't long after that that he shot three people, killing two. I don't know how much blame Ted Koppel deserves for that, but it must be quite a bit. Hill had the same fixed smile throughout his trial. Probably did when he was executed in Florida nine years later, too.

Anderson Cooper

Now we have Anderson Cooper. I never watch that crap, but it was on TV in the next room. He spent quite a bit of time repeating the same attack over and over against Rep. Steve Cohen who correctly pointed out the Republicans' use of Goebbel's "Big Lie" technique against health care.

Cooper got his panties in a bunch because it was uncivil. Democrats were calling for more civility after the shooting--the mass murder--in Arizona.

I don't imagine that Cooper spent entire interviews with Tea Baggers attacking them over and over for their calling Obama a Nazi.

In fact, Cooper repeatedly accused Cohen of calling Republicans "Nazis", something he plainly didn't do.

Anderson Cooper is a cockroach anyway. He covered the Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza. Lebanese and Palestinians were being slaughtered by the hundreds. In Lebanon, the Israelis ordered Lebanese villagers to clear out, then they bombed their cars as they tried to drive to safety. 400 children were murdered in Gaza, many of them burned alive with white phosphorus.

And what did Anderson Cooper do while this was going on? He minced around Israel whining about the "suffering" of the Israeli Jews.


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