Israel, Palestine

Well. It turns out that the Palestinians offered the Israelis concessions which amounted to almost total capitulation. The Israelis turned them down and then blamed the Palestinians for the failure of the negotiations. This according to Palestinian documents leaked to Al Jazeera.

The Israelis said that the Palestinian offer didn't meet their demands. Apparently, the Israelis are demanding that Palestinians simply cease to exist and they consider their failure to do so to be an act of anti-Semitism.

People of the world are talking about this, at least outside the United States. I don't know how much difference it will make.

A while back, it was revealed that the Israelis were harvesting the organs of the Palestinians they murdered. Palestinians had been reporting this for years, and it always sent the Zionists into a hysterical rage. The Jews were screaming BLOOD LIBEL up until the day the Israelis admitted it was true. They admitted that they killed Palestinians and took their organs for transplant.

I was looking for news about it. I found some Jewish newspapers on line that had reports on it.

These same people who had been outraged that anyone would ever be so irrational to dare suggest that they could possibly be guilty of such an unthinkable crime----well, they now thought human organ harvesting was a great idea. Only an anti-Semite could find fault with it!

You look at the reader comments on the articles and you found nothing but comments on what a brilliant move this was on Israel's part. Not one person had the slightest problem with it.

There's something horribly wrong with these people.


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