Michelle Obama in Derek Lam

Lam it up.

First Lady Michelle Obama attends the signing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 at Harriet Tubman Elementary School in Washington in Derek Lam.

Derek Lam Spring 2011 Collection
Model: Abbey Lee Kershaw

We don't normally get into the politics or even the (largely unknowable) personalities of the Obamas, but they really do give the impression that they both genuinely enjoy kids.

We were inclined to give a thumbs down on this look if only for the boots alone. Shelley: they're not the boots for you! Stop trying to make them work, hon. They're fabulous boots on their own, but she hasn't shown good pairing instincts with them and we're just not sure they're very flattering.

Then we noticed the rather full skirt, which we, as is our Constitutional right, keep telling her she should avoid. But you know? We like this dress on her a lot. The neckline is really flattering and we like that she's wearing things with sleeves lately (which, granted, is practically unavoidable in January). We also like the soft greys she's been rocking lately. We go back and forth on the brooch. We like it in theory. That's the best way we can put it.

[Photo Credit: getty, style.com]

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