Nintendo 3DS Games Bad for Children's Health?

Nintendo has issued a health warning on their hand held console 3DS. They say that a specialists revealed that eyesight of children under six years old could be harmed by playing 3D games which present different images to the right and left eye.

"Younger children should only play 2D versions of 3DS games", said Nintendo.

Warnings on 3D movies and games are not new. Sony and Toshiba has also started warning people of the side effects of watching 3D movies or playing 3D games. Sony has even went as far as telling parents to get medical advice first before letting children watch 3D contents on any devices. The companies have also warned that
watching too much 3D content can cause discomfort.

The 3DS, the new version of the popular DS handheld launches in late February in Japan and in Europe and the US in March. More on Nintendo 3DS.


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