In Bad Girls
, Dr. Carole warns men to beware of the 12 types of dangerous damsels and reveals the appeal of the most famous bad girls of all time (ie: ”The Gold-Digger”/Anna Nicole Smith, “The Addict”/Britney Spears, “The Sexual Withholder”/Nicole Kidman, “The Husband Stealer”/Angelina Jolie, “The Commitment Phobe”/Pamela Anderson, and “The Husband Hunter and Trapper”/ Jessica Simpson).
Bad Girls
includes over 100 shocking and intimate interviews with men who were hooked on bad girls and how it ruined their lives. Men discover how susceptible they are to being put under a bad girl’s spell by taking “The Sitting Duck Test” and learn tips to avoid falling prey to a bad girl. Similarly, women take “The Bad Girl Test” to reveal if they are a Wanna-Be Bad Girl, a Man-Eater, or somewhere in between. For the wanna-be bad girl, Dr. Carole helps good girls discover bad girl secrets, so that men will fall at their feet without breaking their hearts.
My Take on the Book
I have never fallen for a "bad girl" per se, but I know people who have....and many of them have paid for it in the long run. This book was an interesting one as it provided men a peek into these bad girls and what we can do to better understand this phenomena. The book is full of real life examples and while some people will not appreciate this book, as some may say that it is based on speculation and assumption. I found though that the real life nature of the book and down-to-earth examples were great and made the book easy to understand and to follow.
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