Crystal Renn for Lord & Taylor

It's the new coral lip darlings!

Darlings, it's Lord & Taylor's new spring 2011 campaign featuring Crystal Renn. Let's have a look-see.

We love that "Oh My Lord & Taylor" tagline. We also love these ads. Like Crystal herself, they've got an old school fashion feel to them, like an ad we would have seen in a ladies magazine 30 or 40 years ago. They tell a story.

The reason Crystal has become so well known is not because she models at any size she happens to be at the time, but because she's got that "it" that makes a supermodel. She becomes a character whenever her picture is being taken.

And the girl is just innately glamorous. Effortlessly so, like the very best models. Fabulous pics.

And just to continue the Crystal love-fest, here's a super-cool interview with her for the Ford Models blog, wherein she discusses her career and her weight loss:

And to no one's surprise at all, she's intelligent, highly articulate, and charismatic. This gal's the real deal.

[Photo Credit: Lord & Taylor's Facebook Page - Video:]

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