Movies in main showcase at 61st Berlin Film Festival

BERLIN The 61st Berlin international film festival kicks off Thursday with 16 productions vying for the coveted Golden Bear for best picture to be awarded February 19.

The event, which is the first major European film festival of the year and second only to Cannes in prestige, will wrap up February 20.

Here is a list of the 22 films in the festival's main showcase, their directors and the countries that produced them.

Of the 16 films in competition, 13 are world premieres.

"A Torinoi Lo" (The Turin Horse), Bela Tarr, Hungary/France/Germany/Switzerland/USA.

"El premio" (The Prize), Paula Markovitch, Mexico/France/Poland/Germany.

"Jodaeiye Nader az Simin" (Nader And Simin, A Separation), Asghar Farhadi, Iran.

"Les contes de la nuit" (Tales Of The Night), Michel Ocelot, France.

"Margin Call", J.C. Chandor, USA.

"Saranghanda, Saranghaji Anneunda" (Come Rain, Come Shine), Lee Yoon-ki, Republic of Korea.

"Schlafkrankheit" (Sleeping Sickness), Ulrich Koehler, Germany/France/Netherlands.

"The Forgiveness Of Blood", Joshua Marston, USA/Albania/Denmark/Italy.

"Un Mundo Misterioso" (A Mysterious World), Rodrigo Moreno, Argentina/Germany/Uruguay.

"V Subbotu" (Innocent Saturday), Alexander Mindadze, Russia/Germany/Ukraine.

"Bizim Buyuk Caresizligimiz" (Our Grand Despair), Seyfi Teoman, Turkey/Germany/Netherlands.

"Coriolanus", Ralph Fiennes, Britain.

"Odem" (Lipstikka), Jonathan Sagall, Israel/Britain.

"The Future", Miranda July, Germany/USA.

"Wer wenn nicht wir" (If Not Us, Who), Andres Veiel, Germany,

"Yelling To The Sky", Victoria Mahoney, USA.

Out of competition:

"True Grit", Joel and Ethan Coen, USA. (opening film).

"Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland" (Almanya), Yasemin Samdereli, Germany.

"Les femmes du 6eme etage" (Service Entrance), Philippe Le Guay, France.

"Mein bester Feind" (My Best Enemy), Wolfgang Murnberger, Austria/Luxembourg.

"Unknown", Jaume Collet-Serra, Germany/Britain/France.

"Pina", Wim Wenders, Germany/France.


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