Book Review - Soul Proof

About the Book 
For thousands of years, spiritual masters taught that the soul survives physical death.  The suffering masses just needed to have faith that was true.

After working with many dying patients in hospitals, Mark saw that faith often wasn’t enough.  He felt called to search for factual answers to life’s thought-provoking questions: ‘Where did I come from?  Why am I here?  What happens after I die?  Is there a God and, if so, why is there so much suffering?  And, perhaps most importantly, how can I best live and treat myself and others during my time on earth?’

Thirty-five years later, Dr. Pitstick shares a vast and varied amount of evidence—clinical, scientific, religious/spiritual and first-hand in nature—including research from many renowned doctors, scientists and scholars. This collective data clearly shows that life is a totally safe and magnificent adventure amidst eternity.  His Soul Proof book and documentary film provide compelling evidence and heart-warming reassurance that you and everyone else are wise, infinite, special and powerful beings of energy.

You can live more fully and vibrantly in this all-too-often seemingly senseless world when you really know that your real self doesn’t die, cannot be hurt and cannot ultimately fail.  Just a glimpse of this spiritual viewpoint instills much hope, peace and empowerment—no matter what is going on around you.

Dr. Pitstick provides comforting evidence-based answers to commonly asked questions about heaven, hell, God, sin, reincarnation, miracles, suicide, the paranormal and other fascinating subjects.  With only 19% of Americans regularly attending church, many people are seeking other sources for sensible answers to these vastly important topics.

After working with many thousands of patients, Mark realized that it’s difficult to know and show that you are an eternal soul if you are tired, depressed, in pain or stressed.  Seeing the limitations and dangers of prescription drugs and surgery, Mark searched for the most powerful, natural ways that people can feel happy, healthy and energetic.  His book Radiant Wellness explains seven keys to feeling, looking and being your very best.

Life is full of trials and tribulations, but handling those daily challenges with style is quite possible when you remember who you are and optimally care for your body and mind—the temple of your soul.  Having a greater perspective even allows you to view life’s difficulties as exquisite opportunities for service to others and personal growth.

With the knowledge from Soul Proof and Radiant Wellness—in addition to your personal faith—your spirit can shine through in every situation.  That’s when life becomes an exciting adventure, even through the sad and bad times, a progressive journey toward the grand life you have imagined.

Dr. Pitstick’s impressive background includes a pre-medical degree, graduate theology studies, a master’s in clinical psychology, and a doctorate in chiropractic health care.  He has been a review editor and regular contributor to many magazines.  Mark has hosted a nationally syndicated radio show and presented many nationwide workshops about spiritual awareness and optimal wellness.  For more information about Dr. Pitstick and his outreaches, visit his websites at and

My Take on the Book 
This was a profound book that makes you think and ponder the many concepts that the author shares. The book goes so deep into spirituality and beyond, it is a lot to take in. I found myself re-reading a few a the passages, not because I did not understand, but instead because I wanted to understand more and better. 

This book is proof positive that our birth is not the beginning and our death is not the end, and it makes everyone, believers and non-believers stop and ponder some of the scientific and non-scientific proof that there is something else to consider.

This book has a ton in it and is one that will make you think, ponder and re-evaluate your own thoughts and beliefs. Check it out today!

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