Charlie's Angels 2011

Good morning, Angels!

We caught the second Charlie's Angel movie on HBO the other night. Hadn't seen it in years. It's got its moments, but it's a pale shadow of the far-more-fun first Charlie's Angels movie, which was both kickass and hilarious. Drew, Cameron and Lucy had crazy chemistry together. We got to wondering why the franchise never took off in films. Sure, the second movie wasn't all that great, but we thought the first did a nice job of setting up a near-endless set of sequels, because you could trade out the angels one by one with newer models once the older ones started losing interest. Face it: Aaron Spelling was mostly a hack, but the concept of three beautiful, stylish, brilliant, kickass women doing espionage work for an unseen benefactor is a pretty badass concept that still works 35 years after its introduction.

Anyway, what should float in front of our eyes this week but pictures of the NEW Charlie's Angels cast for the upcoming TV series (of which we heard nothing until we saw these pics). Between this and the upcoming Wonder Woman TV series, it's like our nerdy gay childhoods are coming back in full force. Let's take a look:

Rachael Taylor, Minka Kelly and Annie Ilonzeh on the set of the television series "Charlie's Angels" in Miami Beach.

That looks about right. Kickass and beautiful. One thing that drives us nuts, though, is when costume designers do this thing with multiple female characters wearing the same color. We suppose it provides some visual interest and helps to unify the characters in the viewer's mind, but it always smacks of a kind of thinking that can be summed up thusly. "Women. They're all the same."

Look at the OG Angels:

Not dressed alike. If anything, the costumes kind of define the characters: Jill, the California blonde in her tennis outfit, Sabrina the brainy one in her modest outfit, and Kelly, the drop-dead gorgeous one in a bikini.

Of course, there could be some in-story reason as to why they all dressed in white. Let's guess. Where are they coming from? A convention for virginal cockteasers? A wedding for an unconventional bride? Fantasy Island? They're posing as Clorox saleswomen? They're shooting a tampon commercial?

And what the hell's so funny, anyway?

Aw, we joke because we love. The series will probably suck, but we'll tune in to see if they got anything right.

So kittens, will you watch? Did you do the "Angel pose" with two of your friends any time a camera was pointed at you? Do you think we're nuts that the first movie was hilarious fun? Do these gals look like they can fill the shoes of Farrah, Kate, and Jaclyn? And finally, who has the best dress here? We're partial to the one worn by Annie, on the right. Love the neckline. The other two are right on the outskirts of Slutty Town.

[Photo Credit: getty, wireimage,]

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