GE Appliances launches
It’s the shocking discovery that every household has made while folding laundry - the mysterious lost sock.
Millions go missing each year. Now we know why.
L.O.S.S., the Laundered and Orphaned Sock Society, has determined the cause and created to bring this often occurring yet seemingly ignored phenomenon to light. “This is going to address one of society’s oldest problems,” says Jennifer Schoenegge, product manager, clothes care at GE Appliances, “It delves into answering the question of why those socks go missing.”
At, you can watch the introductory video, “Escape,” which features a harrowing tale about one sock’s narrow getaway.
Have you ever been a victim of sock loss? Has one of your favorite socks gone missing? Now’s your chance help stop this epidemic and find your sock! Report a missing sock and enter our “GE Sock L.O.S.S Sweepstakes” for a chance to win a GE Profile™ washer and dryer, with the exclusive overnight ready feature!
Concerned citizens can even take matters into their own hands by creating their own missing socks’ posters. L.O.S.S. allows you to perfectly design the lost sock’s image and display it as your Facebook profile picture to help spread the word. Families can also call 1-855-762-5642 to report missing socks and get emotional support.
You don’t have to keep quiet any longer.
If you pull on a sock one morning and find that its companion is missing and this becomes a pattern, you may need to invest in preventative measures. You can fight this sock loss battle with the right GE Profile washer and dryer.
Behind the informative and myth debunking L.O.S.S., proudly stands GE Appliances laundry products.
The Connection between L.O.S.S. and GE Appliances
This new breed of entertainment is GE’s creative way of showcasing the benefits of their frontload and topload Profile washers and dryers, while keeping it fun.
“We want this L.O.S.S. site and video to be a share-worthy online experience for folks, especially since everyone has encountered the missing sock phenomenon,” says Schoenegge.
Get involved, share the experience, and you may be rewarded with a year’s supply of Tide® detergent or a free GE Profile laundry pair. Each person that interacts with the campaign and forwards it to their personal network enters themselves into a sweepstakes.
Let’s keep our socks together. They’ve been together since the beginning and with GE; they can be together through to their holey-heeled demise.
Tide® is a registered trademark of Proctor & Gamble.
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