Sunday Judging: Katherine Heigl's New Cut

A pressing issue that requires the immediate attention all Bitter Kittens.

Darlings, with the news out of Japan getting alternately scarier or more depressing by the hour, we need a little break from horrifying news and we bet you do too. Let's judge a celebrity. That's what they're there for; right? And ever since People ran a story about it, our inbox has been filling up with fevered queries of "OMG, have you guys SEEN Heigl's hair?!?" we figured this would make a good time-waster for y'all. Are you ready? Brace yourselves.

Oh dear.

It's not exactly a horrible cut (although it's pretty horribly styled here). Chances are she paid quite a bit of money for it and had it done by one of the more talented hair stylists in L.A. Thing is, it's not the cut for her. On someone with a narrower face, (like, say, Charlize Theron), this cut would look quite chic. But Katherine has an apple face and she needs to take that into consideration when choosing a frame for it. To us, this instantly frumps her down (and yes, it's a verb here at T Lo). This doesn't look like a movie star to us. This looks like an average working woman's sensible haircut. Perfect for a gal who's got things to do and places to go and doesn't have the time to worry about her hair. Kind of bleh-looking for someone who (at least partially) makes a living off her looks. It's certainly better than that terrible Shirley Temple 'do she was sporting last year, but that's only faint praise. And considering she probably paid top dollar for it, we think that's an awfully dicey looking color job. It's got streaks of yellow in it that are decidedly unattractive. Besides, she shouldn't go platinum anyway. It doesn't really suit her looks or coloring. A softer, more toned down blonde would be the way to go.

We're going to have to give this one a thumbs down. Kittens (Bitter or otherwise) are free to tell us why we're wrong.

[Photo Credit: getty, wireimage]

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