Vivienne Westwood Boutique Opening

Line up for judging, ladies.

Darlings, it was the launch of the new Vivienne Westwood "Get a Life" Palladium Jewelry Collection, at the opening of the Vivienne Westwood Boutique in Los Angeles, California and the stars came out, including Christina Hendricks, who's the new face of the collection. Let's judge them all, but let's get to Christina first.

Christina Hendricks

Oh honeybear, no.

We honestly don't know how she reached her 30s without figuring out that pleated pants are the work of the devil. And then to combine them with that stiff, fussy top, which does absolutely nothing for her? She has a fashion learning disability it seems.

Anna Kendrick

Enh. Kinda drab and we don't like the hem length on her. She might have salvaged it with a pair of sandals, though. Those pumps are too heavy with such a wispy sort of dress.

Dita Von Teese

Never disappoints.


Kristin Davis

On the one hand, it's nice to see her get away from her Charlotte wardrobe. It's also nice to see her not dressing too young. Points for all that. But it's still not a great dress for her. We like the color, but the rest of it looks a bit unflattering.

And are those the only shoes she owns? Someone needs to burn them. They don't go with everything, dear.

Malin Akerman

We like this chickie's style. She has a tendency to go for sharp geometric prints and you don't see that a lot on the RC. This is a great little dress and we love the way her hair's styled. Sure, it's messy as hell, but we like the volume and shape and it plays off the lines of the dress well.

Mischa Barton

Answering the question "Whatever happened to Mischa Barton?"

Apparently, that dress did.

[Photo Credit: getty, wireimage]

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