Britney Spears accused of using body double iin Till The World Ends music video

Britney Spears accused of using body double iin Till The World Ends music video

These are photographs that prove Britney Spears used a body double in her latest music video Till The World Ends.

The dancer, dressed in a Britney-blonde wig and leather ensemble spins around the film set in place of the 29-year-old pop star.

She is believed to be choreographer’s assistant Tiana Brown, who has also danced backup with Christina Aguilera in many of her videos and toured with the Stripped World Tour.


Fake Britney: These are the photographs that show the body double, believed to be choreographer's assistant Tiana Brown wearing a blonde wig
Fake Britney: These are the photographs that show the body double, believed to be choreographer's assistant Tiana Brown wearing a blonde wig

Fake Britney: These are the photographs that show the body double, believed to be choreographer's assistant Tiana Brown wearing a blonde wig


The real Brit: The singer is shown here in her video Till The World Ends from her current album Femme Fatale

The real Brit: The singer is shown here in her video Till The World Ends from her current album Femme Fatale

But on this occasion, instead of being a backup dancer, she seems to have replaced Britney in her high impact scenes, which are said to have been later digitally edited to look like the singer.

The pictorial grabs have caught the face and wig of the Britney impersonator, which are clearly not the Toxic star.




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Till The World Ends, a single from her album Femme Fatale, shows Britney dancing around an underground club with a bevy of dancers until the morning sun rises.

In February Britney denied using a body double for her video Hold It Against Me.

A spokesperson for Spears told TMZ at the time: ‘These accusations could not be further from the truth.

Real vs Fake: The real Britney is shown on the left, while the body double is caught on camera on the right
Real vs Fake: The real Britney is shown on the left, while the body double is caught on camera on the right

Real vs Fake: The real Britney is shown on the right, while the body double is caught on camera on the left


Real vs Fake: The real Britney is shown on the left, while the body double is caught on camera on the right
Real vs Fake: The real Britney is shown on the left, while the body double is caught on camera on the right

Britney clone: The dancer, believed to be Tiana, is seen wearing a blonde wig and leather jacket (left), while the real Britney can be seen on the right


‘Britney has worked extremely hard on this video and rehearsed for six weeks prior to the shoot.’

Her latest video Till The World Ends has already been widely panned by critics, with disappointing reviews saying her dancing is lackluster and wooden.

And Britney has also been critiqued once more in a new video sweeping the internet that compares her current performances with famous dance routines from her early career.

Scroll down to watch the video...

Old school: Britney Spears most notable performances, one of which was the MTV Awards in 2004, have been compared to her current form in a new video sweeping the internet

Old school: Britney Spears most notable performances, one of which was the MTV Awards in 2004, have been compared to her current form in a new video sweeping the internet

Old Britney vs New Britney: The Dance Off video, created by fans at, revisits some of her most memorable professional moments that took place prior to her tragic emotional breakdown in 2007.

Her performance of I'm A Slave For U at MTV Awards in 2001 shows her confidently marching on stage carrying a green boa constrictor and she is seen delivering a world class dance routine with spark and vigour in the 2003 video for Me Against The Music.

Another flashback shows her taking centre stage for a high energy Michael Jackson-esque routine to Baby One More Time in 1999.

In a startling contrast, the clip compares elements of those performances with her latest videos and live concerts.

Now: Britney appears more wooden than she used to and her figure has definitely changed as she took to the stage in San Francisco last month

Now: Britney appears more wooden than she used to and her figure has definitely changed as she took to the stage in San Francisco last month

Tanned and toned: The singer used to have an enviable figure which she showed off performing Hit Me Baby One More Time in 1999

Tanned and toned: The singer used to have an enviable figure which she showed off performing Hit Me Baby One More Time in 1999

Her routines for Hold It Against Me and Till The World Ends show her as a now tentative dancer, whose once razor sharp moves have been replaced by wobbly steps, flailing arms and confusion.

When she took to the stage in Las Vegas last month, it was clear to fans that, sadly, the confidence and sparkle that made her famous now allude her.

Critics have noted at Spears now appears to 'sleepwalk through a video' and while she can still top the charts, she didn't claim any co-writing credits on her heavily-synthesised new album, Femme Fatal.

Entertainment Weekly's music writer Adam Markovitz describes her new material as an 'autopilot affair'.


Family holiday: Britney in Las Vegas with her sons and boyfriend Jason Trawick at Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat

Family holiday: Britney in Las Vegas with her sons and boyfriend Jason Trawick at Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat


Family portrait: Britney, Jason and her sons Jayden and Preston posed at the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona

Family portrait: Britney, Jason and her sons Jayden and Preston posed at the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona

Despite her struggles on stage, the star has just signed up for a summer tour of the U.S. which will be supported by Nicki Minaj.

Her single Till The World Ends is sitting at number 13 on the Billboard chart and her new album currently in the number one spot in the U.S. and number 16 in the UK.

Meanwhile, Britney recently took a family holiday in Las Vegas and was snapped with her sons and boyfriend Jason Trawick at Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat.

Her sons Jayden and Preston posed in matching brown shorts and T-shirts as they posed next to their mother and a dolphin by the pool.

While Britney and Jason looked every bit the happy couple amidst rumours that marriage might be on the cards for them.

They were also captured on camera at the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizon on their way to Vegas.



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