In or Out: Kim Cattrall in Michael Kors

Tossing out an easy one for you.

Kim Cattrall attends the Canadian Premiere of "Meet Monica Velour" in Michael Kors.

Darlings, it is with tremendous glee that we read the comments for "IN or OUT" posts lately. After thousands of "ARE YOU GUYS NUTS?!?" comments over the years in response to an INning or OUTing (or our personal favorite, "Really, guys? REALLY?!?" as if we'd gleefully announced something completely out of bounds, like "Babies are DELICIOUS!"), it's quite gratifying to turn the final decision over to the minions only to have the minions come back with "This is HARD. I really LIKE her!" Oh, ho! So NOW it's hard to be a bitchy gay fashion blogger, is it? Well, tough luck minions. The new format proved to be quite popular with y'all because if there's one major truism to the internet, it's that people will scramble all over each other in order to express an opinion.

But we'll give you an easy one. We think it's easy, at least. Sometimes you guys will focus on something we never even noticed, so maybe we're missing something here, but we think she looks pretty fab. That's a great color on her, the fit and shape of it really suit her, and we like the clean and casual nature of the hair and makeup, befitting a simply chic dress like this. We like the cuff and are ambivalent about the purse, but we really don't like the shoes. It seems to us if you're going to wear kitten heels with a cocktail dress, then neutral sandals aren't the way to go, because they're going to make you look both barefoot and flat-footed. Okay, minions, we threw the softball at you, now take it and run with it.


IN! She's fucking Samantha Jones! She's ALWAYS in! Besides, the dress is killer.

OUT! Mutton dressed as lawn! SATC2 SUCKED!

Also, the minions were largely in agreement that Kirsten Dunst was OUT.

[Photo Credit: wireimage,]

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