In or Out: Saoirse Ronan in Chanel

T Lo are mean.

Saoirse Ronan at the New York screening of "Hanna"
in a Chanel dress and Jimmy Choo strappy sandals.

Chanel Pre-Fall 2011 Collection
Model: Sofie Roelens

Darlings, THIS is why we so love the idea of turning the INning and OUTing responsibilities to you. Here we have a very pretty young actress wearing a Chanel dress; a situation that would normally end with gay men yelling their BRAVAs to the heavens. And yet, we think she looks terrible. We like the dress on its own but it's got some issues to it. That hem length - and we don't care how on trend it is - is exceedingly tough to pull off. Here you have a tiny little slip of an embryo of a girl and even she looks a little stumpy in it. In other news, the detail at the neckline is a bit heavy; or at least it's a bit heavy in combination with that formidable belt and those focus-pulling shoes. And finally, we had to IMDB her to make sure, but she's just shy of her 17th birthday and she's sporting hair and makeup that make her look considerably older. Just a bunch of bad decisions all around.

Thankfully, we don't have to tell a 16-year-old that she's OUT. You do. Or maybe you don't...?


IN! You're cranky and bitter, T Lo! She's young, fresh, and HAWT!

OUT! You're so wise, T Lo! She looks like a newly divorced mom on the prowl!

[Photo Credit: getty, wireimage,]

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