Man on the Street: Matt Smith

Some of you are asking, "Who?" while others just exclaimed "Who!"

Dr Who Matt Smith leaves the Windmill in London.

We thought we'd feature a different sort of man for our MOTS feature. Let's face it; most of the MOTS entries could have been labeled "Guys T Lo Lust After." And while we think our taste in men is inarguable, we admit that we're far more drawn to the well-built, square-jawed type and probably should throw a bone every now and then to those ladies n' gays who prefer their men on the slimmer, geekier, more intelligent-looking side. Matt fits the bill nicely. He's absolutely not our type in any way, but he is a cute little bugger and we like the kid's style.

Granted, there's only so much style on display here, but we do like his boots and coat. You have to be super-thin to be able to pull off those big, roomy overcoats, though. You have to be super-thin AND super-young to be able to pull off that hair. We think he looks great; every inch the slim, waifish young London actor/artist type.

[Photo Credit: Photo Agency]

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