Prius Records Invites Fun, Record-Breaking Challenges & Accomplishments

Family friendly & lighthearted challenges are at the heart of Prius Records, a live interactive event happening now at and .

Toyota Prius, the iconic hybrid that has been setting records for over a decade, has inspired this unprecedented, live and interactive event to set as many Universal Records Database (URDB) records as possible in and around the vehicle.

Day One set 91 Records with 100 attempted. The URDB’s strict regulations discounted several challenges, with some to be attempted again. Overall our record setting teams achieved the most trees hugged in one minute next to a Prius, the most awkward family photos set in a Prius, the fastest time to walk around a Prius on hands, most Prius inspired dance moves invented in one minute, most shadow animals made with Prius LED Headlamps in one minute, along with several other records set with double-dutch jump ropers, jugglers, knitters.

Check out the highlight reel at:

How can your readers get involved? After the live event, the record breaking spirit continues as people are encouraged to top these records, uploading their own record breaking attempts to for world record recognition and online bragging rights.

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