world premiere in New York City.

She: Never really makes a mistake on the red carpet. Of course, we can't recall one of her outfits, not even the one she accepted her Oscar in. Quick: picture Julia Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Halle Berry accepting their Oscars. You can remember at least some of the details of the dress, can't you? The point is, Reese is like the country club wife of Hollywood. She's always well turned out, but she rarely looks notable or even glamorous. It's the same here. We have not a thing to criticize about this look. We'd wish for more interesting shoes and a less pouf-y skirt - in fact, if it had been up to us, we would have put her in something that evokes the '30s a little more, rather than the '60s. It would have been more character-appropriate. Either way, she's done fine here and any quibbles we have come down to personal preferences. Score: 9/10
He: It's not exactly an exciting look. In fact, he looks like a banker with unusually good hair. But much like her, we can't point to anything wrong about this look. The pants are appropiately hemmed, the tie is up, the jacket fits. Some people have suggested we become stylists, but frankly, we think there's money to be made in red carpet coaching. First two on the list for men:
1) Don't pose with your hand in your pocket
2) Don't pose with your arm around anyone if your jacket is buttoned.
Of course, that would be followed by:
3) Don't unbutton your jacket.
Which would be confusing for the male stars, we suppose. They'll get over it. In red carpet terms, they have to do little more than show up. Compared to what the ladies have to go through, we think the men can handle a couple of contradictory directives. Besides, it's fun to watch them attempt reasoning. At any rate, he did well. Score: 9/10
Combined score: 9/10. It' s kind of sad that that's a RCPD high score because these outfits aren't at all memorable, but they are pretty much impeccable and that's good enough for us.
[Photo Credit: getty, wireimage, style.com]
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Labels: Jason Wu, Pairs Division, Red Carpet, Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson
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