Book Review - My Impossible Year

About the Book
 My Impossible Year  is a stunning coming-of-age novel by veteran author Mark Littleton. It is a love story shrouded by mystery that surrounds Christian college students who band together to fight a vindictive professor who wants to destroy all vestiges of faith.  When Tris, a college junior, suspects that his crabby and obnoxious professor is behind the overdose that caused his friend’s coma, he is driven to find out why. When the arch-liberal, tyrannical professor sets his sights on Brooke, Tris’s new love, he senses real danger and feels an urgency to uncover the truth – even if it leads him to places he never imagined!

About the Author
Mark Littleton is a graduate of Colgate University (B.A., 1972) and Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1977), and is a former youth pastor and pastor.  He speaks at both Christian and secular events and is available for speaking anywhere in the U.S., depending on the need and context.  

He is happily married to Jeanette Gardner and has four children: Nicole, Alisha, Gardner and Elizabeth. They all think Mark is the greatest father ever, though their opinions change depending on whether he has given them what they wanted for that day. The family have a dog named Zoe who is stupider than mud, a backup dog named Aussie, who’s quite smart but not smart enough to escape and find another family who will feed him better. They also have a cat named Frodo who hates Zoe and Aussie but loves everyone else. They used to have a hamster, too, but … well, you know what happens to hamsters

He has written for numerous publications including Reader's Digest,  The Chicago Tribune, The Baltimore Evening Sun,  The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Moody Monthly,  Today's Christian Woman, Discipleship Journal, Leadership, Sunday Digest, Power for Living, Zelos, as well as many others.

He is also the author of over ninety-eight books which have collectively sold over one million copies, including:

My Take on the Book
This is a powerful book that brings you into the life of the character within it. I was amazed at how well the author tied together both love and vindication (not always two things you see together in one place). The story flows well and you find that it is over almost before it has begun. I found myself wanting to read this, instead of feeling like I had to read this, which shows how engaged I was as a reader as well as how well written the story and the storyline was. While this is the first book that I have read from this author, ir will not be my last.

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