Last night on Fox, it was said over and over again, that the death of Osama Bin Laden was a great day for Muslims. After all, he doesn’t represent Islam and he’s responsible for the deaths of countless thousands of Muslims. So, what a wonderful, wonderful day this was for Islam.
Well, I’m not going to dispute that. What I will do is say is that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. In other words, how Muslims in this country and across the world react today is something worth watching.
Americans are absolutely ECSTATIC that Bin Laden’s dead. Twitter and Facebook exploded. We had spontaneous demonstrations in D.C. and Ground Zero. They were still chanting USA, USA, USA in front of the White House and waving American flags at 4 AM.
So, will they be cheering in Egypt? Will the Palestinians be handing out candy in the streets? Will the government of Saudi Arabia announce that this is a great day for all humanity? Will there be spontaneous celebrations in Dearborn, Michigan just like there was a “spontaneous” riot in reaction to Terry Jones appearance?
Maybe all those things will happen — and much, much more. I’m not prejudging. In fact, the answer to that last question about Dearborn looks to be an affirmative given this story,
As news spread across the heavily Middle Eastern suburb of Dearborn about Osama bin Laden’s death late Sunday night, some honked their car horns in celebration as they drove along the city’s avenue of Arab-American commerce, where most of the restaurants, cafes, bakeries and shops are located. A few miles to the south, more gathered outside City Hall, chanting “U.S.A.” and waving American flags.
“It’s a special day for us to show Americans we are celebrating, we are united,” said Ahmed Albedairy, 35, of Dearborn, who came to the U.S. from Iraq in 1996 and was one of about 20 people outside City Hall after midnight. He said it was important to celebrate the “death of the evil Osama bin Laden” in “the center of Dearborn.”
We’re always looking for signs of the strength of radical Islam vs. moderate Islam. The reactions we see around the Muslim world today should be one of those indicators.
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