FBI Raids Miley Cyrus' Hacker

miley cyrusThe Tennessee apartment of Josh Holly, the admitted hacker who bragged about breaking into Cyrus' old email account and posting racy pictures of the teen star online, was raided Monday morning in connection with his alleged dirty deeds, reports Wired.com's Threat Level blog.miley cyrus lyrics

miley cyrus newsThe FBI did not immediately return calls for comment, but Cyrus' attorney, William Sobel, tells E! News, "This is an ongoing investigation and we appreciate the efforts of the FBI." Agents, ar

med with a thick file on Holly's recent online activities, served the 19-year-old Monday morning in Murfreesboro, Tenn., with a search warrant and a list of items they were looking for. They ultimately seized three of Holly's computers and his phone, but no arrest was made. No charges have been filed to date.

"I guess somebody ended up ratting me out," Holly told Threat Level. "I was just kind of shaking. I was thrown way off guard. I've never had anything like this happen before to a point that I just didn't know what to do. I was afraid to kick them out of my house."


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