Native Link Roundup

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Students and administrators at Colorado State University will meet today to talk about a Facebook posting that encouraged fans to wear war paint and feathers to a basketball game this Saturday.
CSU sophomore Ben Margolit asked that CSU fans wear the American Indian garb at the men's home basketball game against the Wyoming Cowboys. His posting sparked comments from detractors who thought it was racist and degrading to American Indians.
Playing in the General Assembly building -- what had to be one of the smallest venues of his career -- Newton, 67, described hearing stories from his grandfather about his Native American heritage and absorbing his appreciation of the culture. Both of Newton's parents were half Native American: His father was Patawomeck and his mother was Cherokee. Newton also displayed a picture of his grandfather in full-feathered regalia and passed around a heavy green sash that bore what Newton called a peace medal his ancestors received from Gen. George Washington. 
A state lawmaker who ignited a firestorm of controversy by introducing a bill that would require public high schools to get permission to use American Indian mascots said she will withdraw the legislation.Sen. Suzanne Williams, D-Aurora, told the Denver Post she has achieved her goal of starting a community discussion over whether the mascots are appropriate.
Hailed over the decades as "The Moses of the Choctaws" and "The Indians' Lee Iacocca," Mr. Martin led his tribe into printing and manufacturing of auto parts and electronics at the Mississippi reservation once called "the worst poverty pocket in the poorest state of the Union."
Efforts to change American Indian mascot names at Oregon high schools have stalled, more than two years after a state advisory group suggested a ban on them. All 15 Oregon high schools with team names such as the Warriors, the Braves or the Indians are still using them.


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