You Heap Fine Valentine, and HOW.


Happy Valentines Day everyone! Enjoy these Indian-themed vintage valentines, which can all be found at:

Lots more after the jump!

I'm sending this ARROW, CHIEFLY to say, Let me be your "beau", my valentine (1940's)

You've kindled a spark of love in my heart my valentine (1930's)



I'd never 'squaw'k if you'd be my valentine (1940's)
(wow this one is bad)



Ugh! ugh! your heart valentine! (1940's)

Ugh! Ugh! I'm an INDIAN GIVER it's time your should learn it, for I won't give my love unless you RETURN IT!
(I saved the "best" for last. Indian giver? really?)

all images found here: 


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