Indians in the Times today!: Tuba City hospital a "model" for births

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Nice article today in the NY Times about the Tuba City health center and its policies and practices surrounding birth, specifically focusing on their high rate of natural births after c-sections. 

I'm drawing attention to the article for a few reasons, primarily  because the article presents Native communities in a positive light, showcasing the strengths of the community and culture, and not seeing them as detriments to the "western" ways of birth. It's nice to see some positive words about Indians in a national news outlet. 

But, the article does paint Indian Health Services (IHS) like it's awesome and the best system ever--and I know many, many people who would argue otherwise. IHS is definitely not known for its quality care. 

The article can be found here, and includes some cute pictures of Indian babies too. :)

 (like this one. aww)

Happy Sunday!

NY Times--Lessons at Indian Hospital about births:


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