Our favorite warbonnet-wearing-hot-mess of a musician sported another headdress at The Bamboozle (a big music festival). The photographer calls her get up a "psuedo-patriotic costume of a feather headdress, aviator sunglasses, and the American flag". Right.
Plenty more pictures at the photog's site: http://ishootshows.com/2010/05/21/photos-kesha-the-bamboozle/
A couple of tipsters had sent over Ke$ha's new video for "Your Love is My Drug", a song which boasts the lyric "Do I make your heart beat like a native drum (an 808 drum--I stand corrected!)?", and this seems like an appropriate time to share it:
In the video she's running around in the desert, and sports blue warpaint, a heavy dose of "Native" jewelry (including turquoise, silver, and bone), and feathers:
She even is sitting atop an elephant wearing a feather headdress for a few shots:
and then later in the video she goes into psychedelic neon painted aboriginal mode (same look she debuted on SNL a few weeks back), complete with a boa constrictor ala Britney Spears:
We've discussed it before with her American Idol performance. Girl, get your act together. Cultural appropriation isn't cool.
Earlier: Ke$ha, the headdress, and the trend that won't go away: http://nativeappropriations.blogspot.com/2010/03/keha-headdress-and-trend-that-wont-go.html
But Why Can't I Wear a Hipster Headdress?: http://nativeappropriations.blogspot.com/2010/04/but-why-cant-i-wear-hipster-headdress.html
(Thanks Crystal!)
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