Random Appropriation of the Day (Miller Tomahawk Beer Tap)

(listing here)
Reader Leah passed this one over via Facebook, it's an Ebay listing for a "Miller TOMAHAWK Beer Tap Handle". I'm guessing the whole concept here was Miller--American Beer--"Real American"--Indians. Or something like that. I'm also a fan of the labeling: "Tomahawk...Peace Pipe...War Ax." Um, I'd say "Peace Pipe" might be the outlier there. Here's the listing on Ebay:

On a serious note, associating Native peoples with alcohol is very troubling, given the legacy of alcoholism and alcohol abuse in our communities. The "drunken Indian" stereotype is one of the most harmful and still pervasive images of Natives in our society, and having a beer tap drawing that connection is definitely not helping the issue.

Other things to draw your attention to: The ebay store is called "Da Man Cave" (I wouldn't expect anything less, since we all know "manly"="warrior"="Indian"), and then there is this great disclaimer at the bottom of the page:
***EBAY DISCLAIMER:  This item is a replica and NOT an actual historic Native American artifact***
Really?! Historic Native Americans didn't make beer tap handles?! Mind. Blown.

Better hurry, grab your $175 dollars, and bid away...there's only 15 hours left on the auction.

Listing here: Miller TOMAHAWK Beer Tap Handle

(Thanks Leah!)


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