Facebook Profile's New Look

Facebook gives a new design for members' profile pages. They say it would make your profile pages more organize, integrating in one place information currently scattered throughout the Wall, photo albums and other sections of the site.

The new profile design shows a quick summary of you are in a sentence and your tagged photos below your name. Which is one of the first things people look for when they visit your profile. The tabs are now below your profile picture. So basically you can easily navigate one's profile from one central place, which is in the upper left beside your name and profile picture.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on an interview that
"you can see all the things that you have in common with that person," ; "It gives you this amazing connection with that person in a way that the current version of the profile that we have today just doesn't do."

The new profile design will gradually reach all users by early next year. Those who want to upgrade immediately can do so at http://www.facebook.com/about/profile/. I already upgraded mine. And it's fantastic.


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