London was a blanket of red, white and blue as a million well-wishers came together to catch a glimpse of Prince William and Kate Middleton's fairy-tale wedding.
Waving Union Jacks, the crowds roared with excitement as the newlyweds said their vows at Westminster Abbey before travelling in an open-top carriage to Buckingham Palace.
Thousands then waited at the palace gates to see the couple's first public kiss - and were treated to two. Thousands more were watching on giant screens across London in Hyde Park, Trafalgar Square and at many more gardens, squares and street parties.

A new beginning: Crowds cheer as Kate Middleton travels in a Rolls Royce Phantom VI, accompanied by her father Michael Middleton to Westminster Abbey

Westminster City Council said the Royal wedding was the capital's largest ever event. Paul Reid, head of operations, said he estimated nearly a million people were on the streets of London.
As Kate Middleton was driven past crowds of well-wishers outside her new London home Clarence House, she looked happy and relaxed as she waved to spectators.
Crowds drummed up the loud chant 'We want Kate, we want Kate' in the moments before she arrived.
They waved flags and cheered as the Rolls-Royce Phantom VI went past, with Miss Middleton sat next to her father Michael.
Kenneth Fox, 48, who travelled from his home city of New York for the occasion, said: 'I'm an American and I had to choke back tears. She looked beautiful, she was gorgeous. William is a very lucky guy.'

Thousands of people had gathered in Trafalgar Square and Hyde Park to watch the wedding on giant screens. Revellers had to pass through barriers and were subjected to searches by security guards. Many said they had given up hope of finding a place on the procession route.
Street-sweeper John Slingsby was heading to the square. 'This is the proudest day of my life,' he said. 'I've been working all hours recently and I'm on my way to Trafalgar Square to join in the celebrations.'
Angela Fitzgerald, 56, from Islington, north London, said William looked 'dashing and handsome'.
She said: 'The uniforms looked fabulous. And when the Queen came past, there were tears in my eyes. We got really emotional.'
Celebration as the Royal Couple return to Buckingham Palace
source: dailymail
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