Nicole Richie Hacks Kardashians' Twitters Nicole Richie is such a joker.

For the second year in a row, the newly married mom and designer pulled April Fools' Day pranks on the Kardashian sisters. (Having both grown up in Hollywood--their families often socialized--Khloe Kardashian, 26, and Richie, 29, have been close pals since childhood.) On Friday, Richie appeared to have hacked both Kim Kardashian and Khloe's Twitter accounts, posting a series of hilariously crass messages for all of their followers to see.

"My poops are in the shape of Ks," Khloe's account read around 1PM PST. Shortly after that, Khloe, presumably the real one, added, "Who the hell hacked my twitter account?!" and asked, "Whoever did [hack my account] is really clever with these tweets! I wish I pooped Ks!"

"I DON'T CRAP," Richie wrote on Khloe's page. "I KRAP!" The newly married Richie added another toilet-humor joke--one too raunchy for Us Magazine.

Khloe finally figured out the identity of her hacker. "Hey!!! Where the hell is @nicolerichie??" she wrote.

Kim was also cyber-pranked by their pal- and it wasn't the first time either. "[Nicole] got my password from Khloe," Kim, 30, told Us Magazine in April 2010. "Nicole twittered it was her and we were emailing! She admitted it. Nicole totally pranked me when I thought no one could fool me on April Fools!"

On Friday, Kim's default and background pics were changed to the face of her NBA beau Kris Humphries. "I have a confession to make," Kim--really Richie--wrote. "@KrisHumphries loves to have his **** tickled with a soft baby pink feather… He loves ice on his nips! Sexy"

"This is my goal," Richie-as-Kim added, linking to a picture of a heavyset woman with the caption reading, "Does this thong make my ass look big?"

Richie's stylist Andy LeCompte's Facebook page was splattered with saucy snippets in the week leading up to April Fool's day. They included: "Anyone know how to get rid of morning gas?" "Morning poops are the best," and "Does your carpet match your drapes?"

"Word 2 the wise if you check your Facebook at Nicole Richie's house be sure you log yourself out,” LeCompte wrote. “Hope your having fun Nicole…."

Eventually, LeCompte began to lose his patience with his famous pal. "@nicolerichie stop hacking my Facebook," he wrote Monday. "@nicolerichie I have a business"

Credit: Us Magazine


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