Book Review: You Are a Gift to the World by Laura Duksta

About the BookLaura Duksta lost all of her hair at age eleven.  She was bullied, teased and humiliated throughout her teenage and college years. Even today, she remembers so clearly when someone at a party grabbed her wig and tossed it across a dance floor.

As a result, Laura became introverted and depressed, and tried to fill the void caused by feeling like a misfit in unhealthy ways. It wasn't until her thirtieth birthday, and after the idea for her first book, I Love You More, that she was finally able to accept herself, and her bald head.

The idea of I Love You More came to Laura after she saw her sister dealing with issues of being a young mother, and her nephew as a victim of those difficulties.  Laura self-published I Love You More and sold more than 50,000 copies.  Sourcebooks then released the book and it went on to become a New York Times bestseller.  Now, she is releasing a new book, You Are a Gift to the World (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky; April 19, 2011; $16.99; hardcover). 

Laura has become a champion for our children, writing books like I Love You More and You Are a Gift to the World to spread a message of love, appreciation and acceptance. I Love You Morewas written for her nephew, so that he—and all children—might know that no matter what's going on in their lives or the world around them, they are loved. Only recently did Laura realize that writing I Love You More was also a healing experience for her.

You Are a Gift to the World has a powerful message for children and adults about appreciating one another and the world around us. It also continues to generate the conversation of love amongst people everywhere.

My Take on the BookThis ingenious book is an excellent springboard for parents and children to discuss what special gifts the child has and how everything in the world is a special gift to us..

The book is a flip book. It is two books in one. One book is on the front and as you read it , you finally get to a middle section which then allows you to flip the book over and read the second book.

Let's a begin with YOU ARE A GIFT TO THE WORLD

The first section is a delight. A father and his daughter are enjoying each other's company and the out doors. He tells her she is the best gift in the whole world. He proceeds to describe some of the reasons he tells her this: she is one of a kind, she sings sweetly, he loves to hear her laugh, her smile brightens his day,her hugs are the best.


So what is the greatest gift in the whole wide world? You only need to look at your surroundings to find some of the answers. So discuss what you see. Do you live in the mountains or by the seashore? Do you have trees in your yard which are homes to birds ?

Are you able to play in the water of an ocean, lake or river?

The story illustrates the miracle of life through baby birds and the seed that becomes a beautiful flower.
Our oceans are a gift supporting the lives of whales, fish, turtles, crabs, many plants, and more.
And don't forget the sun which sustains all life on Earth and produces amazing sunrises and sunsets.

It does not take much to look around and see the gifts the world gives each and everyone of us.

This book ends in the same center page as the first book did. There are two sentences as a closing. YOU ARE A GIFT TO THE WORLD AND THE WORLD IS A GIFT TO YOU. SO AS YOU TRAVEL THROUGH LIFE, YOU SEE ALL THE WAYS IT'S TRUE.

Do take the time to tell your child about their specialness and the gifts the world has for them.

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