JIMMY STONE'S GHOST TOWN has become a huge hit by selling over 1,500 copies in less than 8 weeks on sale! It started climbing up the Amazon.com charts in less than a week's time! It reached #2 in Children's Books for Boys & Men (ahead of Justin Bieber's new book) and was #1 on the Hot New Releases section of that same genre! It currently has 33 Five-Star Reviews on Amazon.com and 6 Five-Star Reviews on BN.com! It has also ranked in the Top 500 books on Amazon.co.uk!
For less than a dollar, readers can enjoy this "fantastical mystery for young readers" that Lara Zielin (Author of DONUT DAYS and THE IMPLOSION OF MAGGIE WINCHESTER) has called "...irresistibly appealing!" Available now on Amazon.com (Direct link: http://amzn.to/jimmystone), BN.com (Direct link: http://bit.ly/jimmystonebn), and Amazon.co.uk (Direct link: http://amzn.to/jimmystoneuk), JIMMY STONE'S GHOST TOWN is the most entertaining way to spend 99 cents!
“Ghost towns are fraught with danger, but Neumyer makes them irresistibly appealing."
By Scott Neumyer
By Scott Neumyer
Available NOW on Amazon.com
For Jimmy Stone, life in "Boredsylvania" has been pretty tough. His mom's died, his dad's completely checked out, and he spends his days running from the Coogan Boys, the local bullies. It isn't long, however, before "Boredsylvania" gets a lot more exciting. With his new friend, David and his dog, Trex, by his side, Jimmy discovers that the woods beyond his backyard hold the key to a world he could never even imagine. Soon, he ends up in Ghost Town, where he’s greeted by his ghost guide, Gasp, and receives an ominous prophecy.
“Seven things you must find.
One thing for each day.
Seven things you must find.
Or else they all will pay!
One thing for each day.
Seven things you must find.
Or else they all will pay!
Suddenly Ghost Town becomes as scary as it sounds, and Jimmy Stone realizes that he's in way over his head.
JIMMY STONE'S GHOST TOWN is available now on Amazon.com
where readers can download the novel for the Amazon Kindle, as well as on all available Kindle apps on PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and many other mobile devices. It is also available to download on B&N's nook (http://bit.ly/jimmystonebn), as well as in many other formats on Smashwords.com (http://bit.ly/jimmystoneonsmashwords ).
To view a Teaser Trailer, readers can visit www.whoisjimmystone.com.
About the Author
Scott Neumyer currently lives in New Jersey with his wife and daughter. He is a writer, publicist, and photographer who has over ten years experience in online PR & marketing. He also worked three years as a Media Buyer for a major national film distributor. Scott has appeared in Wanted Undead or Alive: Vampire Hunters and Other Kick-Ass Enemies of Evil (Citadel Press August 2010). He has also been published online and in print in presitigious magazines such as McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Pindeldyboz, and Hobart Pulp. Find him online at www.scottwrites.com and www.whoisjimmystone.com. You can reach him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/scottneumyer and Facebook at www.facebook.com/scott.neumyerAll opinions expressed in this review are my own and not influenced in any way by the company. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Please refer to this site's Disclaimer for more information. I have been compensated or given a product free of charge, but that does not impact my views or opinions.

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