Book Review - The Sculptor In The Sky

About the Book
The majority of human suffering on the planet today is the result of the fact that we have forgotten the purpose of our lives. Along with that loss of memory, we have developed a flawed perception of worth, and we’ve sacrificed our happiness.” So says Teal Scott, a Salt Lake City, UT-based spiritual guide.

In her new book, “The Sculptor in the Sky,” Scott contends that the reason people are not living the lives they were born to live is that the opinions of others matter more to them than the opinions they have of themselves. “When we try to please others, we start to define our worth according to how desirable and useful we are to others. We begin to feel the need to struggle toward approval in order to justify our own existence,” says Scott. “Yet our existence in the physical dimension is all the justification we will ever need of worth.”

My Take on the Book
This book is powerful! The passages within it transfix the reader and make them think deep about themselves as well as finding their center. While I do not currently have any largely personal issues to consider in reading this book, I did think back to a few times in my life when the words in this book would have drawn me out of my shell and allowed me to process the situation better and pull out the positive words and affirmations contained within the book to come out strong at the end of the tunnel.

There were definitely parts of this book that I had a hard time with (though they made sense), but to think that we are born with full knowledge of what we are here to do was a hard concept to digest.

There are many parts of the book that refer to the "source". This concept refers to the power that surrounds us all and that allows us to live our life in a fulfilling manner. The author mentions that each of us need to find our bliss by reconnecting with this Source.
The book is powerful and definitely thought provoking. The exercises that the author lays out alone make this book a must read!

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