Random Appropriation of the Day!

My friend Yve found this Hermes scarf online.  Called "Pani La Shar Pawnee", it retails for $420, and features a border of feathers and a vintage-looking Native photo. The image can be clicked for a bigger version, or the website has a zoom function as well. The scarf can be found here.

Apparently there were earlier, limited editions as well. This one had a limited run of only 200 scarves, and was based off a 1984 version:

I found a blog that gives a little background on the original design and the artist, Kermit Oliver, if you're interested. Apparently this is one of the most complex designs Hermes has ever done, because of all the color tones in his face.

Pani La Shar background info: http://codexcostinianus.blogspot.com/2010/01/pani-la-shar-pawnee.html

(Thanks Yve!)


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