Random Appropriation of the Day! (Indian Smurfs)

Virtue B. sent over these smurf figurines from her recent trip to New York. They were posed to look like they were acting out a scene from a movie with cowboys and Indians.

This guy's wearing a buffalo headdress and leggings/loin cloth combo

While this guy's got an angry expression, some war paint, and a feathered spear. (see the smurf with the boom mike and headphones in the back?)

Note the mid-war whoop pose on that center one.

The thing about these little figurines is, I have one. My friend Scott has them in his office (he's Native). The associate director of the Native program at my school has some. I can only speak for myself, but I bought the one I have (he's in a canoe) because I thought it was hilarious and should be so offensive, but, it's a smurf, so you can't help but smile. Sometimes you just have to laugh at the ridiculousness, because I find it tiring to be angry all the time. By buying the figurine I realize I play into the stereotyping and mis-appropriation, but at the same time having it in my room as something ironic and silly makes me feel I have more power over it. It's a give and take. :)

(Thanks Virtue!)


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